
On the Threshold of Change: the Consequences of Turkey’s Recent General Election

The rearrangement of political actors may change the country’s development vector. The history of parliamentary elections in Turkey can be considered…

9 years ago

Kurdish Struggles

Self-Determination – A Kurdish Nation-State? With the Middle East now undeniably one of the most unstable regions today, the Kurdish…

9 years ago

The Monetary Origins of the Greek Tragedy

Greece stands on the brink of default and possible exit from the Eurozone. It looks unlikely they will be able to…

9 years ago

Why Immediate Military Intervention is Needed to Solve the Crisis in Libya

Libya’s location and natural resources render it a hugely significant country geopolitically and strategically. Following the 2010 civil uprisings and…

9 years ago

The Dynastic Tendency in Modern Politics: A Cause for Concern?

Introducing the Dynastic Tendency An incident transpired recently in the Northern Chilean city of Antofagasta. Augusto Pinochet Molina, the grandson…

9 years ago

The Conflict in Syria & Iraq: an Analysis of Isis Advances

With the recent ISIS gains of both Ramadi in Iraq and Palmyra in Syria, this article looks at the ongoing…

9 years ago

The Rising Threat of Islamic State in so East Asia

ISIS distinguished itself from other violent Islamist groups through its focus on securing territory and resources in the Middle East.…

9 years ago

Social Impact Bonds (SIBs): the Implications for Investors

The Obama administration recently introduced a new type of financing; it’s called “Pay for Success” and it’s a game changer…

9 years ago

The Water Problem in Brazil: What are they Doing Wrong?

According to the Global Water Partnership (GWP), Latin America plays an indispensable role in the global environmental context. Brazil, Colombia and…

9 years ago

The Great War. Epilogue.

Doomed to Repeat the Tragic Past? Considering what was discussed alongside the facts presented throughout this series, a conclusion can…

9 years ago