
Are Gulf States Drifting Towards Democracy? A Word of Caution

“No taxation without representation”, an early rallying cry of American revolutionaries, remains a fundamental principle of government throughout the western…

9 years ago

Dylann Roof: The Inconvenient Truth

The question of race is an issue nearly as old America itself. And, as the world still looks to America…

9 years ago

Ministerial Appointments Key for Negotiating President Buhari the Right Route Through the Niger Delta

Nigera – the sleeping giant of Africa – could finally be awoken this week as President Muhammadu Buhari is set…

9 years ago

Europe on A Knife Edge: Has The 2015 Refugee Crisis Put The Foundations of the Schengen System at Risk?

The ongoing refugee crisis within Europe’s borders has undoubtedly caused divisions between European governments over whether the common ideals of…

9 years ago

The Effect of Wealth Inequality on the U.S. Economy

The issue of inequality is of great concern for the U.S.; wealth inequality is a rampant problem and has had…

9 years ago

Barack Obama: A Lame Duck or A Revitalised President?

In the aftermath of mid-term elections, many US Presidents enter the final quarter of their Presidency with limited political influence…

9 years ago

The Muslim Efficacy of Daesh (isis): Without Philosophy, With MYTH

It has become a norm to hear, that the Muslim ‘extreme’ is of the minority, a thesis perpetuated by the…

9 years ago

The Islamic State is Tweeteing – How Public Officials and Twitter Can Respon

In 2014, supporters of the Islamic State (ISIS) used at least 46,000 accounts from the popular social media platform Twitter…

9 years ago

Libyan Crisis: Is There Any Hope for a Political Settlement?

In the aftermath of Colonel Gadaffi’s regime and personal demise in 2011, Libya has slipped back into Civil War as…

9 years ago

Enviromental Movements – From the Grassroots

Naomi Klein’s recent book ‘This Changes Everything’ presents the argument that our global systems will change whether we act on…

9 years ago