
Eurasian Integration must be Based on Clear Values and Principles Rather than Simply Russian Influence

In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in nostalgia for the USSR in some post-Soviet countries, as they…

2 years ago

Winter Skies, Frozen Seas and Northern Shores VIII: Sweden (part 2)

The Warriors’ Sagas February 27, 2013. As the world follows the crisis in Ukraine after the protests fueled by the desire…

2 years ago

The End of The ‘JAMAICA’ Goverment in Germany, Or: The Crisis No One Needed

Last night, the negotiations between the Christian Conservative parties (CDU & CSU), the Greens and Liberals (FDP) to form a…

7 years ago

The Rewriting Of History In Action: President’s Macron’s Africa Narrative

Over the past few months, the term ‘civilization’ has been used by state leaders in worrying trend. In the first…

7 years ago

The International Criminal Court: Reputation and Reform

The International Criminal Court (ICC), established in 2002, was created on the basis of becoming a permanent institution for the trial of…

8 years ago

The non-Aligned Movement: A Worthy Ideological Fight Or A Lost Cause?

This month Venezuela has been host to the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit at Margarita, an island situated off the northeastern coast of…

8 years ago

Editorial: Disabled in an Abled World

Today marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and I am one of them, kinda. At this point, I…

8 years ago

Creating A Fairer Indonesia For People With Disabilities

Earlier this year, Indonesia made a significant shift in the use of a human rights-based approach to the issue of…

8 years ago

3OS: America’s Next Revolution in Military Affairs

Since 2014, the Pentagon has been developing a new doctrine to combat America’s real and perceived vulnerabilities. It is this…

8 years ago

Drone Strikes in Somalia: On a Questionable Legal Basis

In March and April 2016, the United States launched two major strikes in Somalia. The first strike took place on the 5th of March…

8 years ago