
A Darkening Cloud: The Plight Of The Rohingya

The Rohingya people are an ethnic Muslim group that inhabit a small section of the Western corner of Myanmar, and…

8 years ago

Brexit: Implications For Irish Unity

The United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union (EU) has led to Nicola Sturgeon cautiously testing the waters of “IndyRef…

8 years ago

Education: The Key to Improving Greater Human Rights Accountability

Whether many of us around the globe realize it or not the international human rights system impacts our lives on…

8 years ago

If Climate Change Is Irreversible Does Overpopulation Need to Be Reversed?

In Paris, on the 12th December 2015, a ‘historic agreement’ was reached between 186 nations, the largest of its kind. The agreement…

8 years ago

The Natuna Islands, China and the Jokowi Pushback

Background A unified rebuke from President Joko Widodo’s Cabinet in response to the latest in a series of incursions into…

8 years ago

President Sanders: A Disaster For The Us Left?

Despite his impressive record in the U.S. Democratic primaries, including racking up wins in Indiana, Colorado, Michigan, Washington, and West…

8 years ago

The Enemy of My Enemy is Not My Friend : The Spectre of Al Qaeda in Syria

If civil wars have taught us anything, it is that they can be particularly stubborn problems. This is often the…

8 years ago

Follow Your Dreams at Your Own Risk – Or: How ‘going Your Own Way’ Is the Best Worst Idea Ever

Being the idealistic millennials that we are, many of us grew up in environments that were educationally, economically and culturally…

8 years ago

Searching for Peace: Negotiating the Future of South Sudan

In December 2013, two weeks after the start of South Sudan’s recent internal conflict, South Sudanese academic Jok Madut Jok told a New…

8 years ago

Erdogan and Satire in Germany – A Comment by Media Critic Oliver Kalkofe

The so-called Böhmermann Affair, orchestrated by public statements of both President Erdogan of Turkey (who claims to be the victim…

8 years ago